Everglen Baptist Church was organised in 1987 with a commitment to the mission of Jesus Christ and to the authority and integrity of Scripture. Expository messages are designed to help people understand how to become a child of God and then how to live in our world as a follower of Jesus. We are also committed to our community and the spiritual welfare of fellow believers. At Everglen, our ministries are designed to acquaint people with the Word of God and to provide opportunities for spiritual growth, prayer and fellowship.
Our Mission
The mission and ministry focus of Everglen Baptist Church is to glorify God and to live life together as a family of born again Christian believers. We are devoted to growing in our love for God, our love for His Word, our love for others and faithfully living out the truths of His Word. We are committed as ambassadors to carry out Christ’s mission of disciple-making in our community and worldwide.
Our Purpose & Process
Our “purpose” (what we do) and our “process” (how we do it) are, by design, one and the same: Our obedience to the Lord’s commands are revealed through our lives as we, by faith, receive God’s gift of eternal life, join together to live life as a church family and then continue in the process of spiritual growth and maturity as faithful witnesses of Christ. Through our outreach many more people will come to know Jesus Christ.
The Essentials of Church life
The ongoing ministry of church life is the process of a committed group of believers who are working together to serve God and who do God’s work God’s way. At Everglen Baptist Church, we see seven essentials for church life and as we live out God’s purpose we focus on these key elements in the process of bringing glory to God (1 Cor. 10:31).
- We Worship: Adoration of God (John 4:24, Col. 3:16, Ep. 5:18-19)
- We Instruct: A deepening knowledge of God (Acts 5:42, 1 Tim. 4:13, 2 Tim. 4:2)
- We Pray: Communicating with God (Luke 18:1, Eph. 6:18, Col. 4:2)
- We Fellowship: Meaningful relationships with others (Acts 2:42, Col. 3:12-15, 1 John 1:3)
- We Serve: Opportunities to compassionately serve others (Gal. 5:13, Heb. 6:10, 10:24)
- We Equip: Identifying and implementing spiritual gifts (Rom. 12:4-6, Eph. 4:11-12, 1 Peter 4:10)
- We Make Disciples: Reaching people everywhere with the Gospel (Matt. 28:19-20, Acts 1:8, Eph. 6:19-20)
Visiting a church for the first time can be a difficult thing to do. We want to provide you with enough information about what to expect so your visit to Everglen Baptist Church is a positive experience. At Everglen, we have tried to create . . . a warm and welcoming place where you will feel loved and accepted. With that in mind, we hope you find the following information helpful.
As you make your way through the doors you will be greeted by people who are there to make you feel welcome, not artificially, but in a real way. They will help you find your way around and are a helpful resource for your questions. You will be given a bulletin with the notices for the week, and you will be given a “Visitor’s Welcome Packet”. If you choose to complete the card we promise to keep your information confidential. The purpose of the visitor’s card is help you get connected at Everglen. For instance, maybe you’d like an email regarding our special events or a call from one of the pastors. This card, when completed, can be returned to a greeter.
Sunday Morning Worship Service
Our worship service begins at 8:30 am. The morning consists of a time of praise, prayer and study of God’s Word. You can expect that the messages you hear will be relevant, challenging and most importantly, based on the absolute truth of God’s Word. We love children at Everglen and have a safe and fun place for kids to connect and learn as well. After the initial worship time together, an announcement will be made and the children (up to grade six) will leave the worship centre along with their teachers. Parents of visitors are welcome to accompany their children to the children’s area of the building and stay with them until they are settled and you are comfortable with leaving them. They will have a lesson from the Bible, sing songs and play games.We also have a “cry room” at the back of the worship centre for parents with infants and for toddlers who aren’t yet ready to be left in the Sunday school, we have an adult supervised Crèche in another part of our building. The message can be heard from this area and the glass windows keep the noise from the children to a minimum.
Sunday Evening Worship Service
There will be NO Evening Worship Services until further notice
Atmosphere & Dress
Everglen has a casual and relaxed atmosphere. You will find a variety of styles of dress on a Sunday morning . . . some will dress up, some will dress more informal. Sunday evenings tend to be more casual. There are no expectations about what you should wear . . . so please dress for whatever is comfortable for you.