To Be a Christian … You Must Be Born Again

On Sunday, 25 November 2018 during the evening worship service, Pastor Tiny Coupar continued us in our study of the Gospel of John with a message entitled, To Be a Christian … You Must Be Born Again. The Scripture reference is from John 3 vs 1 – 15. You...

The Unfolding Worship of an Ethiopian Eunuch

On Sunday, 25 November 2018 during the morning worship service, Pastor Tiny Coupar shared with us a message entitled, The Unfolding Worship of an Ethiopian Eunuch. The Scripture reference is from Acts 8 vs 26 – 39. You can listen to the sermon by clicking the...

A Faith That Jesus Christ Doesn’t Believe In

On Sunday, 18 November 2018 during the evening worship service, Pastor Tiny Coupar continued us in our study of the Gospel of John with a message entitled, A Faith That Jesus Christ Doesn’t Believe In. The Scripture reference is from John 2 vs 23-25. You can...